Marec 2025


International students

Distance Physical Education in Summer semester 2024/2025!
Announcement for International Students. Only for those who study in english language!


Physical Education (PE), as a part of your study, is a compulsory subject!
International students have two options to obtain a credit for Physical education subject:


1. Participation in a one-day tourist event. You can find a list of planned tourist events on this page:


2. Realization and documentation of movement activities through mobile sports applications. Rules:
In order to obtain credit for one Physical Education, it is necessary to complete 5 physical activities and send weekly records documenting their completion by email! Deadline is 4.5.2025!
To record your physical activity, you will need to install an application on your mobile phone that will allow you to record the course of the physical activity (duration, speed, route ...) and sign up/log in. U can use only this two apps:
Strava or SportsTracker. Don’t forget to start recording the physical activity prior to commencement and save it correctly when completed. The GPS on your mobile phone will have to be switched on. Finally, share the record of the activity only by your tuke student email:

Only ONE activity per week is accepted!

Share activities as a link - like this (not like a screenshot!):

Screenshoots, or other aplications are not accepted!

You have the following physical activities to choose from, with their minimum duration as follows:

Cycling – at least 60 min/15km
Running – maximum 45 min/5km
Inline skating – at least 6km
Hiking** – 5km at least elevation 200m
Walk in Nature** - at least 6km/maximum 90 min
Get inspired by some of the routes near Košice:

Only one physical activity is accepted per week and it is necessary to document it in the week in which it was performed. You can perform sporting activities at any time of the day/week. You can choose a different kind of physical activity every week. If you are interested in performing another type of physical activity that can also be recorded by a mobile phone application, consult your request by email beforehand.

Deadline for the sending activities is May 4th 2025!
If you have more than one PE subject at winter semester 2024/2025 (PE1, PE2, PE3, PE4...), lets contact


Your questions you can consult at:

Alternatively, you can also consult the contact persons at respective Faculty:
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:

Faculty of Aeronautics:
Faculty of Economics:
Faculty of Economics:


Vysokoškolská 4 (Building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering)
Mgr. Ľuboš Vojtaško, PhD.
Deputy Head for Education
Tel: +421556024163